One womens story against an a invisable illness

One womens story against an a invisable illness

Saturday 27 November 2010

Why can doctor's lie and get away with it?

Hey everyone,

I'm really mad right now and can not portray the hurt and disgust I feel about what the neurologist has said about me.

Today my husband woke me up to say we had received our copy of the letters the neurologist has sent to my doctor and the referral doctors. When I read the letter I burst in to tears and was infuriated about what he had written.

He had referred me to the neuropsychiatrist (which I don't need as I don't have depression!) in the letter he says that I finished work as a dental nurse in March 2010, this is the first mistake:

 I didn't not give up work in March of this year I gave up work in April 2009 because my boss didn't want to pay me maternity pay so did all he could to drive me from my job which included accusing me of stealing £4.80 and was refusing to call the police even though I asked him to (as he knew he was in the wrong). I also left my job because I had burning pain in my groin causing me to have trouble walking which started when I was three months pregnant.The midwifes put it down to hormones and my pelvis moving so they sent me to pregnancy physiotherapy, they said it was unusual as it usually starts when your heavily pregnant.

The second was he said I developed sciatica during my second pregnancy last year, wrong I developed back problems after my first child and was diagnosed with sciatica four years ago.

The third, he brought up the fact that I was seen by the ENT clinic (ears, nose and throat) when I was a child, I don't know why he felt the need to bring that up as it has nothing to do with what I'm going through now.

The thing that has upset me more then anything is that he said I developed "quite bad" postnatal depression and was seen my a "psychiatric team" and from there developed "functional neurological symptoms". I have NEVER been under a psychiatric team (not that I'm disrespecting anybody who has as I think its really brave to ask for help) and I didn't have postnatal depression with my second son. I had postnatal with my first son six years ago and never saw a psychiatrist or a counsellor and was only on anti depression for two weeks, I got myself healthy again through pure determination and the help and love of my husband and my baby. I would have never sought help with my postnatal if I knew it would be used against me in years to come to say I have a psychotic problem.

How can doctors lie and get away with it? They can say what they like about you and never be brought to account for it. In years to come (even if proven false) every time I seek medical help its going to be there in black and white for the doctor to see and jump to concussions. I'm appalled that he can say such nasty comments about me and not even know or truly listen to me.

He was also "appalled" that I was in a wheelchair, didn't think I was deserving enough for one, you can really see in his letter the anger he has for me being in a wheelchair. I have only seen one doctor (my doctor at the pain clinic) who has really sat down a listen to me, REALLY listened to me, even my GP I have to inform him several times before he listens. This guy never listened, he made up his mind that I was a scumbag who was making everything up so I could claim disability living allowance before I had even walked into the room. 

My advice at the end of this, think twice before you go to a health professional and ask for help as you never know when it will come back to bite you and to those who are in the health profession God gave you ears, use them!

Thank you for reading xxx


  1. My mum had this too. A doctor wrote a letter about her medical history and it was all wrong; the dates, the reasons etc. My mum kept asking for a referral for her CREST and the doctor ignored her for years, then in the letter he said the referral was his idea... and my brother will forever have on his medical records 'possible schizophrenia' just because one person once said he thought it, even though he was proven WRONG! Grrrr!

  2. I know its disgusting that a doctor can do that! I will have that on my medical notes forever and going to be judged by every doctor I come into contact with.
    Thank you for commenting xxx
