One womens story against an a invisable illness

One womens story against an a invisable illness

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Can anybody help?

Hey everyone,

I don't really know how to explain how I feel or how or what to talk to you about because being in limbo is a hard thing to describe or to convey how you feel. All I can say is I need help and I mean real help. I have been told recently from my lumbar puncture results that I "properly" don't have MS (multiple sclerosis). To explain my lumbar puncture shows that everything is normal in my spinal fluid (apart from the intracranial hypertension) but there is always a slim chance that it could be, they can't rule it out 100%. Also a friend of my mother-in-laws who has MS wasn't diagnosed with it until her second lumbar puncture.

This has left me uncertain to whether or not I have MS. If there is a chance, how ever slim could I be that percentage? 20% of asthmatics have allergic reactions to Diclofenac, I'm in that 20% and my asthma isn't that bad so why couldn't I be in that 10% in which the lumbar puncture doesn't show certain anti-bodies?

The other thing that is driving me crazy is that I have a lot of symptoms of Lupus. Lupus is called the "great impersonator" so my neurological symptoms that I think are MS could be Lupus. The reason I have thought about Lupus is the fact I have recently developed a rash on my face. My rash goes from one cheek to the other across the nose, it isn't scaly or pimply, it actually looks like I've been sun burnt. I have never had any facial rash or redness on my face until recently, my doctor has dismissed it as a fungal rash even though my rash isn't scaly or that I don't have a scalp problem. He dismissed it also because my ANA test (Antinuclear Antibody) came back negative.

seborrheic dermatitis

My face rash
 I'm in limbo with Lupus because there is a 5% chance of having SLE (Systemic lupus erythematosus) and having a negative ANA test. Can I be in that 5%? The other reason I'm in limbo is that my grandad and cousin have and had a form of Lupus.

I need an answer. My doctor doesn't know much about what I'm going through and the neurologist appointments are only 5/10 minutes long and they want you out as soon as possible. They don't want to answer questions or know what your going though, no-one has asked my family history or really listened to my symptoms.

I'm going to list my symptoms and if you can help me please do as I'm in limbo and its driving me crazy. I feel really isolated and want to give up, please help!

Burning- face, chest, arms, elbows, hands, fingers, groin, legs, knees, feet.
Aching/cramps- arms, elbows, hands, fingers, legs, knees, feet, toes.
Joint pain- elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, ankles, toes.

Numbness- arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes.

Low mobility- hard to walk like a weight on my legs that gets heavier with every step, knees give way, my feet dragging along the floor, legs giving away which makes me fall over and it can come at any time.

Vertigo- a feeling of walking on a steep hill which makes me dizzy and fall over.

Vision- blurred vision, double vision.

Facial rash- red rash that goes from one cheek to the other across my nose, is NOT scaly or pimply.

Fatigue- tiredness all the time at its worse i could sleep for over a 12 hours with a 2 hour nap afterwards, through fatigue my face has hit my dinner plate!

Bladder problems- needing the toilet quickly and nearly wetting myself if I didn't get to the toilet quickly, getting to the toilet and not having a lot of water coming out.

Bowel problems- constipation, diarrhea, needing to go really quickly, flatulence, trapped wind.

Memory problems- easy forgetful sometimes within minutes of being told something had a really good memory before symptoms started, hard to concentrate.

Spasms and restless legs- my muscles spasm and my legs have an uncontrollable urge to move can keep me awake for nights on end.

Heartburn and indigestion- they both can come out of no where without me eating or drinking.

Itching- I itch all over all the time.

Easy bruised- e.g a blood pressure test can leave bruises on my arm

Pain in chest- which can cause shortness of breath and a rapid heartbeat, feels better when sitting up.

Irregular heartbeat- my heart seems to skip a beat then pounds really hard for the next four beats which makes me short of breath and pain in my chest, palpitations.

Dry mouth- constantly feeling thirsty and my mouth being dry.

Smell heat- when my face is burning i can smell heat which is accompanied by my top lip burning.

Chilblains on every finger without going out into the cold and warming up quickly

Also the symptoms of Intracranial hypertension.

Please help!

1 comment:

  1. Take all your medications and look up the side effects online. I do this before taking anything because I'm chemical sensitive. You will be surprised by the long lists and make sure your pharmacy checks for drug interactions between your meds.
