Hey everyone,
I have suffered with chilblains for around six years now just after my first son was born but I have noticed that in this last year, since I've been ill they have got a whole lot worse. The chilblains are on every single finger and I can't understand why as chilblains only come when exposed to cold then warmed up quickly but due to mobility problems I haven't been able to go out so why the chilblains?
I may have a little clue as my hands and feet go freezing cold and turn blue like I'm dead so that might account for the cold, and then when the blood comes back it could be the warm up? I'm not to sure whats happening and when I went to the doctor he said he couldn't give me and medication to help because of the Intracranial Hypertension. The medication could cause me to have swelling as the medication keeps the blood vessels open.
So if any spoonie has an idea of what might be causing it I'll be grateful for any advice!
Thanks for reading xx